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Gluten Free Vault

Your key to living a gluten free life. 

Here at Gluten Free Vault we want to help you unlock the key to living gluten free. We want to test the products that you are interested in and find the best ones. But we don’t want you to believe what one or two people think about it – we conduct tests and surveys with as many people as possible. And use the results of that to recommend products. 


Get in Touch


Starting gluten free and maintaining a gluten free life is not easy. We are here to help arm you with everything in the Gluten Free Vault to have the best gluten free life you can. Start learning below.

First Steps

Learn how to go shopping, cook simple meals, and other handy tips for being gluten free. It doesn’t have to be hard and you don’t have to do this alone. Find ways to help your family and friends support you. 

Going Out

Life doesn’t stop when you need to start eating gluten free. Learn about how to eat out, go to events, and enjoy holidays after starting a gluten free diet.